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South Beaverton

Youth Cheer

South Beaverton Youth Cheer

Our Board of Directors is founded on the principles that we all bring some unique skills and interests to the group, which leads us to maybe be more involved in one aspect of the program over another, but we all jump in as needed, with great enthusiasm, to ensure our cheer program flourishes, stays organized and continues to grow, with the necessary support in place to manage the growth. Our main focus is always the kids first- as pouring our energy and love into them, to help their growth and development as human beings, and cheerleaders, is our priority. 

Please remember we are all volunteers, and give to this organization everything we can give (many, many, many hours). We all have families and jobs outside the home, and obligations that can sometimes make us not readily available. We work as a team, so if you reach out to one of us, and someone else responds, just know it's because we can all do everything when needed, to lift each other up with support. We are a well-oiled machine and we hope you see the result of our efforts pay off in the fun experiences we are able to provide for your cheerleader as they grow through this program.

Kim is the main point of communications for registrations, payments and questions that may arise regarding your account or the program in general. Kim does most of the behind the scenes work for the program, focused on the small and large details to help our program puzzle all fit together. She's been involved with SBYC since 2018, and a board member since 2019. She took over the reigns in 2022 when the sitting board retired. Kim has a daughter, Katie, on the team who is an incoming 6th grader. Katie has been cheering for SBYC since Kindergarten, so we are very familiar with the experiences and expectations of cheerleaders at all grade levels in this program.

Miranda is a terrific coach and board member for our program. She brings a wealth of organization and planning experience to the team and assists with everything our program does. She's queen of the Volunteer Program, so look for her to be reaching out if you volunteer, or help make her job easy by volunteering when she reaches out asking for more support for something. :) Miranda has a daughter on the team, Autumn, who is an incoming 6th grader. She's been involved on the board since 2021 and has established herself as a dynamic member of the team. We could not run this program without her!

Porshe has been involved with SBYC as a coach since 2022, but her cheer experience almost lasts her lifetime. She started cheerleading at age 5 and grew up doing competitive cheer through college, then transitioned to coaching. We are so incredibly blessed to have this amazing person leading our coaching staff and cheer teams through their experience with both our sideline cheer and competition cheer programs.  Porshe is one of those humans who all children gravitate too and adore. She bring out the best in everyone around her and the kids want to work hard for her simply because of how she makes them feel about themselves and their own potential. Porshe has two daughters incoming to cheer. Monroe will be a 2nd grader and is entering her 4th year of cheer with SBYC and Mo'orea will be starting her first year with our Pixie Team in the fall. Porshe also has a high schooler, Mollia, who grew up in youth cheer and steps in as a mentor for our program now.

Megan has been involved with SBYC for 2 years now, first as a Team Parent for the Pixie team her daughter is on, and now as a board member helping with our social media and marketing. Megan also works on the merchandise designs, so if you have any ideas for merch you'd like to see, let her know! Megan says she loves being involved with cheer because "she loves the sense of tight knit community it provides for the girls." You can usually find Megan at the Pixie games helping the girls get ready or taking pictures from the stands. Come say hi! 


Jeune has been involved with SBYC since 2022, first as a team parent then joining the board in 2023. Jeune helps out wherever it is most needed, but you will find her often elbow-deep with our volunteer programs and fundraisers. She is one of the leaders for our Oregon BottleDrop year-round fundraiser, working with local restaurants and offices to collect their bottles and cans for our program as well! Jeune has a daughter on the team, Mackenzie, who is an incoming 5th grader. Mackenzie has been cheering with SBYC since 3rd grade. 


South Beaverton Youth Cheer
Beaverton, Oregon  

Email: [email protected]
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