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South Beaverton

Youth Cheer

South Beaverton Youth Cheer

2024 South Beaverton Cheer Sideline Team

Code of Conduct & Agreement


Cheerleaders will attend all designated practices, games & events. Family emergencies, pre-planned trips that we are made aware of well in advance and contagious illness are the only excuse for missing practice.

A parent will contact a board member or coach prior to practice if a cheerleader is going to be late or not able to attend.

Cheerleaders are to be dropped off no earlier than 5 minutes prior to practices and within 10 minutes of practice ending. Consistent late pick-ups or drop-offs will be addressed further with the parents/guardians.

At games, cheerleaders are required to arrive 30 minutes before kick-off for a team meeting, to stretch as a team, and warm up any stunts or tumbling.


Game Uniform: Uniform Shell and Baselayer (if directed) and skirt, black spandex shorts, black cheer shoes, black no-show socks and game day bow.

Uniforms will only be worn on game days or other designated events as directed by SBYC.

Practice Attire: Practice shirt, black athletic shorts or leggings and athletic type shoes (no Uggs, slip-ons, etc). Hair must be up in a full ponytail or full braid/french braid for practices. If your cheerleader is a flyer, they must have their black cheer shoes with them at all practices.

Cheerleaders in uniform or wearing any SBYC item must always conduct themselves in a manner becoming to an SBYC member.                                                                                                                                                


Cheerleaders must have clean, short nails that do not extend over the end of the fingers. No acrylic or artificial nails or nail polish. Cheerleaders must not be wearing any metal barrettes or hair accessories besides bows, and no earrings or other jewelry. Cheerleaders may never have gum in their mouth during practice or game days.

Keep uniforms and game shoes clean.

No cutting/altering of any SBYC gear unless it is to fit the uniform properly to your cheerleader (taking in or out the skirt or shell, etc.). Any alterations must be made with proper approval of the coach before administering.

Hair will be pulled back for all game days and practices; bangs must not come below the brow line.



Cheerleaders are expected to embody sportsmanship at all times, showcasing respect towards all individuals including team members, coaches, mentors, board members, volunteers, members of other cheer teams, football teams, officials, spectators, and vendors. At SBYC, cheerleaders are required to adhere to principles of honesty and fairness in all their interactions. Any instances of disrespect, dishonesty, or unfairness will be subject to disciplinary measures, which could include dismissal.

Cheerleaders will cooperate with coaches, cheerleaders, volunteers and SBYC Board Members.

Cell phones are not allowed to be used during practices or game days without permission from a coach/board member.

SBYC cheerleaders will not engage in bullying or other inappropriate behavior in person or on social media including, but not limited to; leaving unkind comments/posts and/or sharing offensive or inappropriate images, language, videos or other contents. This includes all social media interactions, even those unrelated to cheer.                               


Cheerleaders MUST arrive in complete game day uniform to all games, as directed a day ahead of time by board communication for what the attire will be for that game (it is weather based decisions for uniforms).

Any cheerleader without the required uniform (uniform, shoes, bow) will be asked to sit out for the game.

In order to create and maintain a safe environment for all of our cheerleaders there will be no bullying, profane language or gestures, or acts of unsportsmanlike conduct from the cheerleaders, parents, spectators, or from any member of the cheer staff at any time. Any bullying, profane language or gestures, or acts of unsportsmanlike conduct by a cheerleader deemed by a coach or board member will result in the following: 1st offense - verbal warning and parents contacted; 2nd offense - dismissal from SBYC.                                                                                                                      


Parents also have a responsibility to the program. Parents need to be respectful of all cheerleaders, coaches, mentors, board members, volunteers, members of other cheer teams, football teams, officials, spectators, and vendors.

If you have an issue/concern with a high school mentor, please talk with an adult head coach or board member, not the mentor themselves.

Any discussion with a board member should be conducted outside of practice, games and events. Please email SBYC or call a board member to schedule a time to meet or discuss over the phone. Contact information is available in our Parent Handbook or email us at [email protected].                                                                              

By agreeing to these, you (the Parent/Guardian) and your Cheerleader, acknowledging that you have read and agree to the SBYC Code of Conduct.



South Beaverton Youth Cheer
Beaverton, Oregon  

Email: [email protected]
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