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Youth Cheer

South Beaverton Youth Cheer

Parent & Cheerleader Handbook 2024

South Beaverton Youth Cheer Organization


Welcome to South Beaverton Youth Cheer! We are an organization which, together with our cheerleaders and their families, is invested in planting deep roots in the Beaverton community.


This handbook provides our cheerleaders and their families with the necessary information and expectations to make this experience successful and enjoyable for everyone. Please read and revisit this handbook as questions arise.


If you have questions that are not answered in this handbook or if other concerns arise, please contact the organization by email [email protected] or by cell:


The Purpose of Youth Cheer 

Youth cheerleaders are uniquely positioned to support other youth athletes in the Beaverton community. They hold a position of leadership and role modeling and are direct contributors to, and a direct reflection of, the spirit of good sportsmanship, positive collaboration, and exemplary leadership in the community.  South Beaverton Youth Cheer’s focus on inclusivity and widespread participation means that no potential cheerleader is prohibited from joining the team. However, all participants must meet the initial and ongoing participation requirements to maintain their position.


Who can participate?

SBYC welcomes community members entering K-8th grades.  No experience is required, and there are no tryouts to make a team. Participants are asked to commit to a regular practice schedule and be ready to engage in skill development as they would with any other sport. Skills include tumbling, stunting, dance, and jumps, along with additional crowd leading and teambuilding. Cheerleading is a team sport and practices include conditioning and significant physical activity like running and jumping. While participants typically find cheerleading to be fun and rewarding, it is important that our athletes arrive prepared to engage in continual physical activity for the entirety of practice.


Initial participation requirements

·         Registration/Contact Info forms filled out

·         Uniform orders & registration paid in full on time

·         Signed Acknowledgement of the Code of Conduct & Accident Waiver


General Requirements

·         Parents/guardians will model appropriate sportsmanlike conduct in general, and will maintain a positive attitude of cooperation, flexibility, and encouragement. They will demonstrate a positive attitude about the program participants, coaches, and volunteers, and will role model conflict management and resolution if challenges arise.

·         Parents/guardians will review this handbook and will help ensure adherence to the rules and requirements therein. Parents understand that they will be called upon to assist the cheer staff in cases of conduct concerns for their child.

·         Cheerleaders & parents/guardians agree to treat all team members, athletes, coaches, staff and volunteers with kindness and respect, and will refrain from rude language, actions, and gestures, directly and indirectly. Cheerleaders will pay attention and always show respect toward the volunteer coaches, volunteers, and board members.



Cheerleading is a team sport, and attendance at all practices is required. The team cannot fully prepare for game performances and stunting when teammates are missing. While we want all cheerleaders present, we do understand that summer travel plans are already in place.  We ask that you please email us as soon as you know your travel plans, the dates your cheerleader will be absent, to help us plan.  Absences in the case of contagious illness or family emergency are also, of course, understandable.  We require notification via email or cell before all practices or events if your cheerleader will be absent.  


Drop Off 

Cheerleaders are expected to arrive at practice 5 minutes early to check in for practice and 30 minutes prior to the start of each game. No cheerleader should be arriving to games AT game time.  It does not provide sufficient time to stretch and warm-up, review any game day directions and instructions and be a part of the Captains pick for that game.


Please note there is no childcare available prior to practices or games, so please do NOT drop your cheerleader off earlier than required. They will be unsupervised and it puts SBYC at risk if we do not know they are there early.


Pick Up

A parent or pre-approved guardian is required to come and check their cheerleader out at the conclusion of practice. Parents may NOT be late to pick up their cheerleader. If a parent is more than 5 minutes late and staff has been unable to make contact with them, the cheerleader’s emergency contact number will be called.


Summer Practice

Summer practice begins July 30th. We practice two evenings a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). Please make sure athletes can attend all practices during these important early weeks of preparation.


Fall Practice

The practice schedule remains the same once school begins. Please reserve all Saturdays for games. Game schedules usually come out close to September, so make sure cheerleaders are available to support their teams beginning September 7th. If our 7/8 grade football teams make it to playoffs, be prepared for the season to extend through November 9th for the Junior Squad associated with that team.  


Practice & Game Conduct

Practice and game behaviors: In the spirit of support, encouragement, and great sportsmanship, cheerleaders are expected to conduct themselves with exemplary behavior during practice and before, during, and after games. Cheerleaders who cause discord amongst team members, are disrespectful to teammates or volunteers, or negatively impact the team during practice or games may be sidelined or dismissed. Parents will be notified when behavioral concerns arise, and in some cases may be required to attend practice with their cheerleader to provide behavioral support. If any cheerleader requires a second call to parents, they may be sidelined or dismissed from the program.


Community Conduct/ Social Media Policy

SBYC does not tolerate bullying, harassment, foul language, or otherwise unsportsmanlike conduct in person or on social media, including but not limited to group text, Google hangouts, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, and such. Further, if cheerleaders post pictures or images online, they must represent themselves in the same positive manner as they would in person. Social media is to be used only as a tool of positive communication and may not be used to hurt or make vulnerable any teammates or others. Please note that the social media policy pertains to all cheerleader communication in any form and not just communications regarding cheer.


Finally, please be aware of privacy acts regarding the use of social media and posting images of children. While parents provide SBYC with consent to use images on SBYC sites, no group consent has been provided to post images of other cheerleaders. Please seek permission before posting images of children and other participants.


Conduct at stadiums/special events

Cheerleaders are always representing SBYC and are especially prominent when in their cheer shirts or uniforms. Cheerleaders are expected to be positive role models and demonstrate respectful behavior in all establishments including stadiums. Please note that many stadiums have rules regarding school age children moving about the stadium unsupervised. Please ensure those rules are regarded and that our organization is well represented by modeling appropriate stadium behaviors (e.g., walking in the stadium, cleaning up after oneself, etc…)


Parent/Guardian Conduct

We love our SBYC Parents! Please support our cheerleaders by attending games, getting your kids to games and practice at the necessary times, offering rides to teammates, and cheering as loud as you possibly can so that our kids have a positive crowd leading experience. During games, please remain in the bleachers and refrain from interfering with the cheerleaders and their coaches on the track.



If your child reports an injury or negative experience that we may not know about, please get in touch with a board member ASAP (contact info on the cover of this handbook). Board members are also present at every practice and game. They are committed to being accessible to parents, and we ask that you connect with board members before the start or after the conclusion of practice, as their attention needs to be on the practice itself while in session.


Because our practice space is just the right size for our team and coaches, but not many more, we request you not stay at practices, but rather drop-off and pick-up your cheerleader at the appropriate times. If you need to stay at practice, there are tables and chairs in the hallway of our practice facility.


Please note that our Mentors are teens who are volunteering their time with our organization. As such, they will not be communicating directly with parents about practice, formations, positions, or any issues. The adult head coaches & board members serve as the sole points of communication for the parents, and parents should never approach one of the Mentors directly, in person or electronically.


Game & Special Event Information

Transportation is not provided by the organization, but we will have a shared carpool system in place if this interests you. Please note that game times and locations sometimes change suddenly. It is a good idea to keep a flexible schedule when possible, and to be careful not to book additional inflexible events on game days when possible. We will send text messages with any last-minute schedule changes as we are updated with the information.


Cheerleaders MUST arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of each game. Please allow time for traffic and unexpected delays.


What to bring to games

Every cheerleader MUST come prepared with their cheer gear and uniform, plus a water bottle with a lid.

This includes:

·         Wearing Cheer shell & skirt with performance shorts underneath

·         Black cheer shoes and low cut black socks

·         Hair up in a high pony, with team bow facing out


In their gear bag, they need to have:

·         Pom Poms

·         Bodyliner (baselayer) in case it gets cold (or wearing it already if it is a cold/wet day)

·         Sweatshirt

·         Water bottle

·         Additional bows


Any cheerleader without the necessary uniform and equipment may be asked to sit out for the game or until a parent/guardian can bring them the appropriate gear.


What to bring to practices

Cheerleaders are required to wear an SBYC practice shirt and black shorts or leggings (not see through), as well as athletic shoes to all practices.  If your cheerleader is a flyer for stunting, they must also have their black cheer shoes with them at all practices.  They must also bring a water bottle.


Cheerleaders must have clean, short natural nails, and no acrylic or artificial nails. Cheerleaders must arrive at practice with their hair in a ponytail or braid for safety. No metal barrettes or hair accessories and no earrings or jewelry (bobby pins are acceptable). These are safety requirements and must be adhered to.


Family Contributions/Volunteering

Our organization is an entirely volunteer-run endeavor, and the spirit of volunteerism is what keeps us going. In this spirit, each family is expected to contribute volunteer time during the cheer season helping with game-day activities, practice assistance, program fundraisers, or any of the many other opportunities we have to jump in and lend a hand.


All cheerleaders will participate in program fundraising events unless they have paid the $125 opt-out fee.


Refund Policy

Quitting, Suspension, or Dismissal from the team does not constitute cause for a refund, and no refunds will be given in such cases. The organization is typically unable to provide refunds for any type for any reason, including injury. Injured cheerleaders are welcome to continue to participate in a manner that makes sense and ensures their ongoing safety.


Cell phone use during practice

Cheerleaders are expected to keep electronics, including cell phones and apple watches, away during practice as the focus needs to be on safety, practice, and teambuilding. They may use their devices once practice has ended or with permission from their adult coach.


Stunting or Tumbling

Any tumbling and stunting must happen at the designated time and with the appropriate supervision. Cheerleaders will be given a friendly reminder the first time their tumbling enthusiasm carries them away; subsequent times will be followed by sit-outs and stunting time will be forfeited until they demonstrate a greater understanding of stunting and tumbling safety.



South Beaverton Youth Cheer
Beaverton, Oregon  

Email: [email protected]
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